Tuesday 14 March 2017

Reality check

 The coordinator in return told me a funny thing. She said is that u in the photograph. I said yes . I also asked her why you asked . She said you look different. Wat she meant was that I was not the model in the portfolio pic. One of the best dialogue which everybody say. U look good . I will definitely call u back. When I started there modelling was no mobile phones that time. Home phone came a little late though my dad worked for the indian railways. No complaints. So the communication was tough. U had go to so many places to improve public reltaions( P R) . Had to wear the best of cloths. But my dad use to give me selected cloths for engineering college. To buy fashionable cloths , needed money. Cloths maketh the man. All this battle was goin through. Had to balance college and modelling. Luckily my college was in the city limit. I had to take up a part time job.

                        Had to lie to parents that I have tuition in the morning. Left one fine day in the morning to work part time. It was in a gym as a fitness instructor . From younger age was always good in sports . Always had to rush in the morn from gym to college.( to be continue)


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