Friday 17 March 2017

Conditioning you're mind - part two

Never give up.i could bounce  back of  that slogan in my blood. In fact I was getting more work after the accident. Let me put it this way . I found more work . I was aggressive, fear was always in my head wether I can use my legs with speed on the runway. It worked . I couldn't sit with a person who was negative . When we are passionate about anything in life . You can't listen to any of others views because u love it so unconditionally. To be on ramp was a biggest pinnacle for me. But now the priority is changed. Am on a different journey now . Will share with u later about that. Though I found work to model., but some specific creature were not giving me work. . For some time it hurts after that it becomes a habit. I take all my stress out through working out in the gym. All this twenty years I was having thorough discipline. I still have the routine. That makes me achieve wat I want in life. In due course of my modelling career, I happen to meet some interesting people . One is a big hero in the South Indian indian industry. But. Is first portfolio was guided by me only . I only told me u had a potential let's do a folio. But he only spend the money for the folio. Indian have money . He grew very fast . Happy for him always . I always felt I also had a share of my recognition. Like same ways I had been a lucky mascot for another hero in South Indian film industry. I see there posters in the road, feel very proud of them . Which makes me feeel special about my self . I take it Ina positive stride to improve my self. I had a very strict life style . Sacrificed so much . They said ur dark . Never try to roam around in the sun. No late nights . Fear to be reconginzed and not get rejected was the utmost priority in my mind.  I don't party that much, but in this industry I have to meet new people . U never know we're u meet ur opportunity.

I just stopped and realised that if ihadn't met a certain person in my life. My life would be completely different. Period

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