Monday 13 March 2017


All these years I was just trying to figure out . Somebody will be there to voice out the struggle of a model. No body took the initiative nor they were just bothered about there life. Iam blogging it today coz . I have everything in my life . So it doesn't make u guys believe that an in pain. I was in pain wen I was in the rat race. People don't understand that I have eaten more rise than them . So I have seen a little more life. The other day was tryin. To tell a foreigner that india is a democratic country. We can voice out wat we want. He had a big laugh.  I asked him why are u laughing . He said. U know it. Yes I know it  coz to fight the corrupt people out there we don't need degrees and discipline to beat them , it can only done by money. How unfortunate?

                           India saw leaders like mahatma Gandhi , Subash Chandra Bose, I can go on. Yes am trying to deviate the topic . Just want to remind some people that how un conditional people were at that point of time . Today's context no body is got the time nor they want to spend time to uplift any thing for matter .it will get interesting i promise u.I will try to review certain issues in a neutral way . So the readers will have fun to read. Coz always good to see somebody share there grief. Just joking. Take it easy folks . Everything is short .nothing is permenant ,life is short. Even the so called fame is also less than 15 seconds these days. Do good and be good.

Arios till i speak my mind next


Note: pls subscribe for poto 21 you tube channel

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