Wednesday 15 March 2017

Dark road part two

When I started modelling the model coordinators  were less the press coverage was bad . But today things have changed . So many players in the market . Yesteryear people are still there controlling the industry . That's the saddest part. I always felt if the person who markets the product( namely models) . I don't see any problem in increasing the lifecycle of a model . But chennai always had bad people including a quiet few exception .they always felt models from other city like Mumbai , Bangalore and delhi are much better. So the local models was always kept back. This attitude never changed thiose days. Sense of belongings that this people trust them. They always kept saying that we are petite, we couldn't match them. I performed with all the leading models that time including johnabraham, Balbir , zulfinsyed.All this factors affected in the paycheck of a model. Mentors don't do any thing to uplift the morale of the models . To break that it took time . Honestly they couldn't see flourishing. It takes me to the immigrants, how tough it would be to get a foot hold. So this pain is nothing.Model will obviously charge high if she does a national advertisement . Things have changed now I guess . Many female models have broken the barrier. Dark , short so many models are go getters . They have broken it .

         We were entangled in those web. We're we couldn't say anything those days. We were just puppets. I had to do be. A coordinator , choreographer , event manager to stay in the industry . Coz the so called mentors were slightly getting dizzy that this person is there for long . Once u become experienced , one should naturally progress to do something to the industry . All the myths and norms can be broken . I never want to compete with them coz deep in my heart I was always a model. Some people don't like it. I dint care. They ignored . But I kept working.after a show this mentors only give there favourites models pic for the write up in the papers. Favouritism was a big impediment in a models growth . In modelling world u don't have a directory . Work doesn't come . You have to be friendly with photographer, makeup artist and choreographers. It's s very bitchy industry. And people are very fake out here. They will be good in front of ur face but talk bad about you at the back. Harassment always happened in lot of ways . There was a patticular choreographer ask me for a massage. I dint do it . He din give me work. That's how it works . But he still get work. How progressive. ( to be continued)



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