Wednesday 15 March 2017

Dark road

Imagine ur eyes , hands and legs tied .and they let u in a dark road. No body to help. No body to guide you.This how u feel when u wna protect ur dream. Like a mother who protects her baby .
Lot of instances in which u feel the path u chosen is right or wrong. At that one my Wat helps you is you're innervoice. Wen we get rejected . I got rejected So many times . Wanted to know the reason . Sometimes i felt slap on my face. Least I had the education to balance and move. Always had a job to bank on. From my childhood, I always see every problem from third person point of view.  . It's a glamour industry, obviously girls rule. Am not against that . But men also the part and parcel of the industry. When it gets more toug thinking that there will be a light m the end of tunnel. Never rested went on working and building my self . Never felt pray for the exploitation . Pay was less  always , they expected to maintain carrying a bigger bramd . Listening to rags to riches stories sometimes u feel all these are crap. We are fighting for the place in the ten percent of population .how do we do it?( to be continued )


Note : pls subscribe for poto 21 you tube channel

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