Tuesday 14 March 2017

Reality check part two

                                                                                                                                                                     Though the dream is big it's difficult to come in terms with some facts. Will explain you. When you see you're parents slog for you the whole life to make ur destiny right. With such willful persons dna in you. You try to change the impossible . You are bones are weak , ur dark, ur low in motivation . Never mind . Visualise yourself to be that model or that person always . Start inertly connect to them when u breathe. Stay with positive people . It's ok you don't have to discuss you're goals with ur friends or partners. Keep working on ur looks. Reading helps u learn so much . We dint have internet as strong as today . Every god damn info is in ur hand . It just that you have to set you're priorities right. The question is that how much you love yourself . If this set right . The process of transformation slowly starts taking place .
               Some people react to you , some don't. Just don't Bother keep working . Select wat you have to see and ponder about it . I do that even now . Am an actot  and director now . It helps get in to the skin of the role. A South Indian ( Tamil ) movie is for release. ( movie name: achamilai achamilai). An interesting role.  I discuss this because when you are foundation is right. No matter the world turns against you. You will find a way to move towards you're dream. During my college days , they was less scarcity of money etc, etc,  but the energy was more . But today the energy is less but I have everything . It's a paradox I think. But things have never changed . To be continued


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