Tuesday 28 March 2017


Hope u guys are doin fine. .please subscribe and tell ur views. Will be my updating movie related details

Friday 24 March 2017

 In the middle of the shooting spot . Will connect to you soon

Sunday 19 March 2017

Be the change

   Modelling is beautiful industry. So many millions of money people make . Some of my campaigns

Friday 17 March 2017

Conditioning you're mind - part two

Never give up.i could bounce  back of  that slogan in my blood. In fact I was getting more work after the accident. Let me put it this way . I found more work . I was aggressive, fear was always in my head wether I can use my legs with speed on the runway. It worked . I couldn't sit with a person who was negative . When we are passionate about anything in life . You can't listen to any of others views because u love it so unconditionally. To be on ramp was a biggest pinnacle for me. But now the priority is changed. Am on a different journey now . Will share with u later about that. Though I found work to model., but some specific creature were not giving me work. . For some time it hurts after that it becomes a habit. I take all my stress out through working out in the gym. All this twenty years I was having thorough discipline. I still have the routine. That makes me achieve wat I want in life. In due course of my modelling career, I happen to meet some interesting people . One is a big hero in the South Indian indian industry. But. Is first portfolio was guided by me only . I only told me u had a potential let's do a folio. But he only spend the money for the folio. Indian have money . He grew very fast . Happy for him always . I always felt I also had a share of my recognition. Like same ways I had been a lucky mascot for another hero in South Indian film industry. I see there posters in the road, feel very proud of them . Which makes me feeel special about my self . I take it Ina positive stride to improve my self. I had a very strict life style . Sacrificed so much . They said ur dark . Never try to roam around in the sun. No late nights . Fear to be reconginzed and not get rejected was the utmost priority in my mind.  I don't party that much, but in this industry I have to meet new people . U never know we're u meet ur opportunity.

I just stopped and realised that if ihadn't met a certain person in my life. My life would be completely different. Period

Thursday 16 March 2017

My first campaign after accident. Legs were in the air when I did this shot .

Conditioning you're mind

  The show must go on. Like wise even ur included or not included in any event or a show, you just have to focus on you're goals. I have walked the maximum runway show as at that time.some organisers will not use me, purposely for no reason . I never went digging  on it. Sky his the limit . I believed in creating new organisers .which mad me not fall pray to the egos. In between my modelling career there was a set back for me. I took up a job after my masters as a manager. It was a marketing job. I always thought now I have the strength to achieve my goal faster. Sleepless night  because of meetings . One fine day I was meeting a client earling In The morning , had to rush back to office. I met with an accident . Left leg was run down by a garbage carrying tractor. It was bleeding profusely . My blood was just filling the road slowly . My eyesight was just goin. I was going towards the black hole. Hallucination. A professor who had happened to take the same road to drop her kid. Saw me. Came and asked me which hospital u wna go . I told my belongings and cash are there please call my president and handover the documents . I went unconscious. I was in coma for four days . I heard operation was for eight hours . Dreams all shattered .

               After four days my eyes opened . They were all worried that I would loose my memory . Due to sudden trauma . God was good . Everything was fine . But my leg was badly injured . I had to be in the hospital for eight months. I never gave up . I started condition mind by reading books . My mom was a great support in the recovery . One full night I would not sleep . She was just ranging near my leg and pressing it . Seeing people in pain is also a terrible thing . Mom had to go through this with sleepless nights . When I met with an accident only one thing was running in mind that I have morn proved to this world about my talent . Please don't take me awash . Literally begged to God to make me live. The voice was heard . After eight months I pounced back in to modelling  also . This was the national level model hunt contest and the mr india contest. I won the best talent. I was back on ramp with a vengeance .i was happy .

Wednesday 15 March 2017

Dark road part two

When I started modelling the model coordinators  were less the press coverage was bad . But today things have changed . So many players in the market . Yesteryear people are still there controlling the industry . That's the saddest part. I always felt if the person who markets the product( namely models) . I don't see any problem in increasing the lifecycle of a model . But chennai always had bad people including a quiet few exception .they always felt models from other city like Mumbai , Bangalore and delhi are much better. So the local models was always kept back. This attitude never changed thiose days. Sense of belongings that this people trust them. They always kept saying that we are petite, we couldn't match them. I performed with all the leading models that time including johnabraham, Balbir , zulfinsyed.All this factors affected in the paycheck of a model. Mentors don't do any thing to uplift the morale of the models . To break that it took time . Honestly they couldn't see flourishing. It takes me to the immigrants, how tough it would be to get a foot hold. So this pain is nothing.Model will obviously charge high if she does a national advertisement . Things have changed now I guess . Many female models have broken the barrier. Dark , short so many models are go getters . They have broken it .

         We were entangled in those web. We're we couldn't say anything those days. We were just puppets. I had to do be. A coordinator , choreographer , event manager to stay in the industry . Coz the so called mentors were slightly getting dizzy that this person is there for long . Once u become experienced , one should naturally progress to do something to the industry . All the myths and norms can be broken . I never want to compete with them coz deep in my heart I was always a model. Some people don't like it. I dint care. They ignored . But I kept working.after a show this mentors only give there favourites models pic for the write up in the papers. Favouritism was a big impediment in a models growth . In modelling world u don't have a directory . Work doesn't come . You have to be friendly with photographer, makeup artist and choreographers. It's s very bitchy industry. And people are very fake out here. They will be good in front of ur face but talk bad about you at the back. Harassment always happened in lot of ways . There was a patticular choreographer ask me for a massage. I dint do it . He din give me work. That's how it works . But he still get work. How progressive. ( to be continued)



Dark road

Imagine ur eyes , hands and legs tied .and they let u in a dark road. No body to help. No body to guide you.This how u feel when u wna protect ur dream. Like a mother who protects her baby .
Lot of instances in which u feel the path u chosen is right or wrong. At that one my Wat helps you is you're innervoice. Wen we get rejected . I got rejected So many times . Wanted to know the reason . Sometimes i felt slap on my face. Least I had the education to balance and move. Always had a job to bank on. From my childhood, I always see every problem from third person point of view.  . It's a glamour industry, obviously girls rule. Am not against that . But men also the part and parcel of the industry. When it gets more toug thinking that there will be a light m the end of tunnel. Never rested went on working and building my self . Never felt pray for the exploitation . Pay was less  always , they expected to maintain carrying a bigger bramd . Listening to rags to riches stories sometimes u feel all these are crap. We are fighting for the place in the ten percent of population .how do we do it?( to be continued )


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Tuesday 14 March 2017

Getting in to the shoes

   Helo readers . Hope all is well. Even if it's not well. Time will change it don't worry.gettin accomdated  to the surroundings is a big trait in any industry. We don't have people from Harvard in the chennai fashion industry. So they have there own reservations and hangover . Which we don't know wen ur a new enterant in the industry . To be successful u have to get accomdated . There was an incident a fashion mentor ask me out for a movie . I din go after that he dint talk to me . H never know wen they would disown you . Ha . It's never the end of the world you see. One more interesting incident, any model who enters the industry is like hot cane . People c u like that. This was after a pageant were I was a finalist . I lost by a stupid answer I gave . After that the organiser wanted her to go out with me. So I had gone for lunch . She brought had other friend . We had lunch in a star hotel . They were always giglimg cing each other . I still don't know why they did it . May be they felt that Iam fool with a body. It's ok so many  funny incidents happened in the due course of modelling . I always. Wanted to perfect my self . Never concentrated on other things. But these things play important. Role  you see. So people wake up.


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Reality check part two

                                                                                                                                                                     Though the dream is big it's difficult to come in terms with some facts. Will explain you. When you see you're parents slog for you the whole life to make ur destiny right. With such willful persons dna in you. You try to change the impossible . You are bones are weak , ur dark, ur low in motivation . Never mind . Visualise yourself to be that model or that person always . Start inertly connect to them when u breathe. Stay with positive people . It's ok you don't have to discuss you're goals with ur friends or partners. Keep working on ur looks. Reading helps u learn so much . We dint have internet as strong as today . Every god damn info is in ur hand . It just that you have to set you're priorities right. The question is that how much you love yourself . If this set right . The process of transformation slowly starts taking place .
               Some people react to you , some don't. Just don't Bother keep working . Select wat you have to see and ponder about it . I do that even now . Am an actot  and director now . It helps get in to the skin of the role. A South Indian ( Tamil ) movie is for release. ( movie name: achamilai achamilai). An interesting role.  I discuss this because when you are foundation is right. No matter the world turns against you. You will find a way to move towards you're dream. During my college days , they was less scarcity of money etc, etc,  but the energy was more . But today the energy is less but I have everything . It's a paradox I think. But things have never changed . To be continued


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Reality check

 The coordinator in return told me a funny thing. She said is that u in the photograph. I said yes . I also asked her why you asked . She said you look different. Wat she meant was that I was not the model in the portfolio pic. One of the best dialogue which everybody say. U look good . I will definitely call u back. When I started there modelling was no mobile phones that time. Home phone came a little late though my dad worked for the indian railways. No complaints. So the communication was tough. U had go to so many places to improve public reltaions( P R) . Had to wear the best of cloths. But my dad use to give me selected cloths for engineering college. To buy fashionable cloths , needed money. Cloths maketh the man. All this battle was goin through. Had to balance college and modelling. Luckily my college was in the city limit. I had to take up a part time job.

                        Had to lie to parents that I have tuition in the morning. Left one fine day in the morning to work part time. It was in a gym as a fitness instructor . From younger age was always good in sports . Always had to rush in the morn from gym to college.( to be continue)


Recurring dream part two

Hello people. Can't thank you for you're support. I will tell u funny incidents in my early nascent  stage , Of being model . I happily carry my portfolio in a bike to meet a coordinator. Bike gets punctured.i walk two kilometres to meet the client. India is so sunny u know. So we perspire so much that the dress is wet and you are profusely sweating. I don't have a habit of kerchief. Imagine . Wen I take my pics and give water is dripping in my hand . We have a format in india . We write the phone number and vital stats behind the pic. I wrote it with a wet hand. Hoping for and advertisement to model or a runway, I just walk a away from the office. A big show happens in the city and I wait for the kal. It doesn't come . I loose my patience and go TK the office and ask them . They say they don't have the number. I said , have u checked the pic . They showed me number had vanished coz of sweat . Effort gone in vein. To be continued


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Recurring Dream

 Anything you do for 21 days becomes a habit they say. So many years of dreaming, that gets in to ur blood. Most of the people give up because of family pressure, lack of commitment. People come to the fashion industry with different objectives. But people like me come in to the industry to prove. No body is bothered. They have their own choices. I started deeply studying the various fashion scenes in each city india. Each city is controlled by two or theee people,from time memorial.designers also luv them so nothing can happen beyond them.its a very smal niche. To break that chain it's difficult .best thing is u see new faces in every runway show. I sit and think in wat way this people deserve to be there with. No looks and body..am talking about the era from Millind Soman started . I watched him in the leather show. He was inspiration, still he is. Hard work to build body and lols very pivotal but was not paying any dividends. After a fashion show I think ur pic will come, but there will be only female model pics. No body new other than 750 people watch the show . Time was ticking and dream was like a plant growing . Even after rejections .we had to maintain cool and calm.

To pursue a dream , everybody go through tough times. For some people time was always the enemy. But times never changed coz there was only two male models in a show.Imagine how much competition we had to fight . At the end no recognition. Many people changed the field, left the country. For me I always thought dream is sonear. Will achieve it's just matter of time. People changed , surroundings changed, friends changed, I never changed. Stuck to wat I believe.. protecting my dream was a big ordeal.somebody told me ur dusky, some people said ur bulky, some people said u walk like duck, somepeople told me u look like body builder. This was usual perception . Which I dint take seriously. I was pursuing my engineering degree by that time. I almost workout six hours in the gym. Worked part time for some extra money. I don't know life is gone change after that. To be continued....


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Monday 13 March 2017


Welcome back
   Thanks for the people support. I get motivate to blog.  Page visitors increase make me connect to u. Sir Abdul Kalam said dream big. But present days situation we cannot think big. Before thinking  big we have to evaluate our strength and weakness, In order  to nurture our dream. Life is zero without a dream. Inorder to look up to or for us to chase. So who is our hero?
  It's with in you. No limits to think and boundaries to have a dream.. But the surroundings wil always be against us. Coz ur dream is so unique. I had a dream too. I keep my background colour black and white coz Everything will be transparent . Will be a testimony for wat to dream#.


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All these years I was just trying to figure out . Somebody will be there to voice out the struggle of a model. No body took the initiative nor they were just bothered about there life. Iam blogging it today coz . I have everything in my life . So it doesn't make u guys believe that an in pain. I was in pain wen I was in the rat race. People don't understand that I have eaten more rise than them . So I have seen a little more life. The other day was tryin. To tell a foreigner that india is a democratic country. We can voice out wat we want. He had a big laugh.  I asked him why are u laughing . He said. U know it. Yes I know it  coz to fight the corrupt people out there we don't need degrees and discipline to beat them , it can only done by money. How unfortunate?

                           India saw leaders like mahatma Gandhi , Subash Chandra Bose, I can go on. Yes am trying to deviate the topic . Just want to remind some people that how un conditional people were at that point of time . Today's context no body is got the time nor they want to spend time to uplift any thing for matter .it will get interesting i promise u.I will try to review certain issues in a neutral way . So the readers will have fun to read. Coz always good to see somebody share there grief. Just joking. Take it easy folks . Everything is short .nothing is permenant ,life is short. Even the so called fame is also less than 15 seconds these days. Do good and be good.

Arios till i speak my mind next


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Modeling was a distant dream for so many middle class people.. it's difficult that our mind accepts rejections. But it's not in my  blood to get rejected. In the due course of my modeling career. I observed so any career traits . From fellow models , Importantly the so called mentors ( choreographers , model coordinators and press people). So many tricky secrets prevails. But the entertainment industry and fashion industry keep growing and progressing . But the control is still thereby the designers and choreographers . Who think that they are from mars. They represent those cult were human being don't belong . They try to create a habit which is duplicated by there disciples. Which wil actually ruin the careers of innocent , educated and middle class people .this has to be stopped.
Life ain't so sunshine I agree but these kind of people it makes even more difficult to pursue ur dream. Wen ur young , u have the hunger to be successful, it should be focused t be a proper path, else life of an individual gets affected. I know I doesn't make sense for lot of people who read. Iam blogging it just because I have been through and been successful in my own right. Never surrendered my goals. Been fighter and always be. At for those models who wna make it big , may w for an extent it wil help carve a bush in the fashion industry. Somebody told me that people have to like to give u work. It doesn't mean that u have to sleep or wash utinsiles for them.stay positive and believe ur self. Don't give up. Keep ur networks right. Don't be a material for exploitation . Don't show ur desperate . U will never make money . Money is everything in this world big people say, I don't believe.

Will keep sharing some vital points to pursue ur dream

Luv hemant

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Things have changed when I started modelling seventeen years back . Am talking about the singara chennai.Today u find so many male designers.. we don have much wen we started. But now also the national institute of fashion ( nift) shows also have three to five sequence dresses for male models.. but we have a little more chorepgraphers today.. pay are peanuts . We ask more they will not call back. Then the dream will be hindered . Very tricky  career opportunity. All that shines is not gold . So his the case of the shining enters and models ..dark secret underlying to unleash. So wats the future of male models.. I had a bachelor degrees in engineering. And masters degree in business administration specialized in marketing.. but then the urge to recognized prevails in the deeper mind.. will discuss the future of the male models . Hope it helps somebody .. who wna become somebody . In this somebodies world,


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