Monday 17 April 2017

Welcome back

Hi people , hope u all writing this text, in the middle of the rain. The clouds are dark and the sounds of thunder blow ur ear bush. I can relate to ones emotion may be anger . I am just kidding. This blog is just an awareness routine. In order to get in to any industry . You need to know the nitty gritties. I travel around the world. We gain a lot of knowledge about so many important things . Naming quiet a few is the culture , trend and food . Fitness is a very important thing to achieve ones objective in the modelling industry . We Indians are so emotional towards mothers receive if dishes . To Fargo it's tough but if we overcome it very frititful . Indian foods always have there own ups and downs . All that food which tastes good are not good for the body . Like the colas and sofas( namely Pepsi, Coca-Cola ). It's very difficult when we go out . We normally go to malls to meet people. This is just TK build public relations( PR). So normal eating outlet would be KFC , MC Donald's or some coffee shops. If you order any main course the drink would be the colas only. This becomes addiction in the longer run. All will  have a bad effect to ones health.everday you find a new shop opening highlighting some different junk food. The best form of food I have observed his the half cooked vegitables. Which is easily digestable and palatable .i know it difficult . But when u dream is big all this things shouldn't bother you. We have to sacrifice. I remember one of the fashion choreographers telling me. In order to get something you need to sacrifice something. I still try to figure out what he actually meant. He never gave me work . That's ok . We keep reinventing ourselves by understanding the worth of karma . After I started writing this blog , I observed one important thing which I want to share with you guys. People have stopped talking to me , they have gone in to shell.some people have sent me pyachiatric doctors phone numbers. I just want to tell them one thing . U may be wrong . Or may be I prove u wrong. As I said fitness played an important role To balance both physical and mental stability. Some people in this world Are just ready to bring you down. You're struggle is ur own , no need to give an explanation to other people . Because they can't understand I don't mean them they are dum. It just that the frequency is not matching. I still get up at 3.40 am for my work out hoping that I will realise my dream . Don't ever give up.

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