Wednesday 26 April 2017

Story board of my movie

Am just taking the previlige to show you guy s my storyboard of the movie which I have shot till now. Enjoy

Click this link

Tuesday 25 April 2017

Company logo launch

Hello people . It's just an honour to share with you my logo of my  you tube channel. Thanks for you're support. It means a lot. Let's make a change in watever possible .

Find you're Freedom

Hello people . Just came back from a long drive . Hope you all well .  Finding fulfilment in any work was my biggest problem in life ,And I discovered  it  in very early stage of my life. I observed various way to find freedom in watever I did . Iam gone share that too you. For some people you will connect to what Iam gone discuss.

Some times the noise become so loud that we can't listen to the inner voice.Listen to you're intuition . Listen to you're own hearts . U need to climb to River of shit to come out to  experience freedom .

"Some birds just can't be  caged, there feathers are just too bright.if you are you're listening then that is you. "

You have been in a cage, imprisoned  by you're  circumstances ,you're life ,habits,patterns environment,relationship. Find  you're freedom and the journey is worth it . Don't let anything stop you. Keep pushing . Find what fulfills you. Achievement is worthless . Money can only give  resources . Money will never make you happy. To have an extraordinary life just find what fulfills you. You will live Everyday. Decision making is important  depending on what  filters do you use. Take control of you're mind. You go running if you do you can relate to it. Suffering is involvedin everything.Everybody go through it. Without suffering we cannot be successful. Know more about youreself. Passion is an emotion without an action.Is a waste it will get u now where. Act on passion. Make them work.You got to know wat to do with them. Mind controls the body. Body doesn't control the mind..You will excel. Mental toughness is the key. Keep you're head down. Example is wen u swim u don't count you're laps. If you do then u don't move. It's a receipe for disaster . Mountain climber is a great example. U don't have to look down. Just get there. Idea of thinking about a mistake is a mistake . Don't take the ownership for mistakes . Mistake are singular events , they don't mean anything . You can learn from them to moving forward. Wen you write you're mistakes you can eliminate them. Never feel bad wen you make a mistake. Failure is more about the ego. Nothing wrong with that learn from it. Believe in yourself .

           Decide - commit-act- succeed - repeat

Saturday 22 April 2017

Salute this person

Kalyanasundaram honoured by US Govt. I feel equally ashamed that India Govt has conferred 'Bharat Ratna' on Sachin Tendulkar, who seeks and gets exemption of customs duty on a 'Ferrari' which he got free, who reportedly earns crores of rupees(in hundreds) every year.
Mr.Kalayanasundaram worked as a Librarian for 30 years. Every month in his 30 year experience (service), he donated his entire salary to help the needy. He worked as a server in a hotel to meet his needs. He donated even his pension amount of about ten lakh rupees to the needy.
He is the first person in the world to spend the entire earnings for a social cause. In recognition to his service, the American government honoured him with the ‘Man of the Millennium’ award. He received a sum of Rs 30 crores as part of this award which he distributed entirely for the needy as usual.
Moved by his passion to help others, Super Star Rajinikanth adopted him as his father. He still stays as a bachelor and dedicated his entire life for serving the society.
All our Politicians, Film stars, Business magnets, cricketers Press and we all Indians should be PROUD and also should be ashamed of ourselves. American Government has honored him but we Indians even don't know that such a personality exist amongst us.
Atleast have the courtesy to pass this on and on till the whole world comes to know about this Great Good Samaritan.
Hat's off Kalayanasundaram.. We Indians are extremely proud of you and proudly say "THIS HAPPENS ONLY IN INDIA".

Wednesday 19 April 2017

Launch of poto 21 studios                                                                         

Above is the link of  launch of poto 21 studios which launched the product called Noni. It was a Galla  event through a fashion show. It was eight hour event managed by me and team.

Samantha who is well known actress in both Kollywood and Tollywood industry. Had walked the ramp with leading models like Medha Raghunath, Deepika and late Bidishi bared.  Click and enjoy. We never stop do we.

Monday 17 April 2017

My movie teaser

Subscribe to:

This is the link of my movie teaser . Which am directing and producing it. I request you guys to subscribe and like the video . Cheers

Welcome back

Hi people , hope u all writing this text, in the middle of the rain. The clouds are dark and the sounds of thunder blow ur ear bush. I can relate to ones emotion may be anger . I am just kidding. This blog is just an awareness routine. In order to get in to any industry . You need to know the nitty gritties. I travel around the world. We gain a lot of knowledge about so many important things . Naming quiet a few is the culture , trend and food . Fitness is a very important thing to achieve ones objective in the modelling industry . We Indians are so emotional towards mothers receive if dishes . To Fargo it's tough but if we overcome it very frititful . Indian foods always have there own ups and downs . All that food which tastes good are not good for the body . Like the colas and sofas( namely Pepsi, Coca-Cola ). It's very difficult when we go out . We normally go to malls to meet people. This is just TK build public relations( PR). So normal eating outlet would be KFC , MC Donald's or some coffee shops. If you order any main course the drink would be the colas only. This becomes addiction in the longer run. All will  have a bad effect to ones health.everday you find a new shop opening highlighting some different junk food. The best form of food I have observed his the half cooked vegitables. Which is easily digestable and palatable .i know it difficult . But when u dream is big all this things shouldn't bother you. We have to sacrifice. I remember one of the fashion choreographers telling me. In order to get something you need to sacrifice something. I still try to figure out what he actually meant. He never gave me work . That's ok . We keep reinventing ourselves by understanding the worth of karma . After I started writing this blog , I observed one important thing which I want to share with you guys. People have stopped talking to me , they have gone in to shell.some people have sent me pyachiatric doctors phone numbers. I just want to tell them one thing . U may be wrong . Or may be I prove u wrong. As I said fitness played an important role To balance both physical and mental stability. Some people in this world Are just ready to bring you down. You're struggle is ur own , no need to give an explanation to other people . Because they can't understand I don't mean them they are dum. It just that the frequency is not matching. I still get up at 3.40 am for my work out hoping that I will realise my dream . Don't ever give up.